As many of you know, I started graduate school in January. At 41 years old, this is not exactly an easy task as there is only one 'older than me' person in a class I am taking. That individual is in a PhD program and appears to be well adjusted. Why should age matter in social settings? Well, it matters because my belief is that most humans by existence, particularly this human (me), craves connection, comfort, and validation. I have heard many people say, "I don't need others to feel validated", but often I feel this statement isn't true for everyone. For me, I have this internal need to feel accepted and a part of, a form of validation in my opinion. Now, I realize I'm in school for a reason which is to merely learn and further my education. That reason is and should always be the main focus, although creating new friends and networks should also happen. Humans by nature thrive in collaboration. Often, it is difficult to connect with people that are of an age that could be my children. Sometimes, I wonder if they view me as their parents group, or as their peer. I view them as my peer and always respect them as a peer, but my previous experience with peers at work or social settings are with people in my own age group. Now, I am not about to attempt to be anything different than who I am, but where does comprise play a role? It creates a fine line of possibly subscribing to something that is not me. To be frankly honest, I need to give some liberty, this is only the end of the second month of classes. I am sure there are many of any age just starting a new school have felt this type of feeling described as partly loneliness and partly ineptness. For now, I will continue to be true to myself and respectful to my peers, and then those that do come into my life will be blessings to further my education in the course called 'life'.