Saturday, November 8, 2014

Friends Connections

We all have friends. Some we cherish from childhood that are usually only a phone call away, while others drift in and out of lives from time to time. Why is it that some people we connect with others and others seems so distant? Is it something in their personality or something in their chemistry? I have often heard that pheromones play a role in it. I have also heard that someone's zodiac may contribute as well. Interestingly enough, three of my closest friends upon first meeting them, I didn't like them. It was like nails on the chalkboard. They were "know it alls", they were loud and annoying, and they voiced their opinions. Now for the sake of keeping them as friends and avoiding my tires being slashed anytime soon, I refuse to name them online. However, recognizing these traits about them, was I drawn to them or them to me. I'm a libra. I make peace with everyone and hate disruption. I have been told, I give a calming nature to people and appreciate the compliment. I have to admit though, it can be exhausting. Taking on others emotions or people the verbal punching bag can be hurtful to me. When do I get to voice my emotions? When do I get to verbally unload my frustrations? Well, I haven't found the safest place yet, but I do find writing, journaling, and painting really helps me. I haven't picked up a brush in a very long time, but I think that will change vey soon. As far a writing, well, you're reading it right now. Thank you. I cherish everyone that comes into my life, especially those that occasionally take a moment out of their day to send me a message and say, "Hi, I was just thinking of you".

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