Well. Here I am. Almost a year into graduate school as a Masters in Health Education and already thinking about starting the PhD program next Fall. Am I crazy or being wise? I received my Associates in Nursing degree in 1996 and procrastinating bridging that to a Bachelors for 16 years. Now, I have an opportunity to finish my Masters and finish my PhD in one place, in one block of time, and on a tuition waiver for an assistantship. All of this with a research subject and a faculty that I really like. How many people will have this opportunity? Not many, I'm afraid. Yes, money will be tight, but when has it not been. Yes, I will be stressed and vent my fears to unsuspecting bystanders in my life. When have I not? Of course, I will need to beg for forgiveness when I do verbally attack someone, or offer myself as their punching bag if needed. I suspect that offer will be accepted more than I realize. Anyway, I want to go for it. I want to become the expert in my field of interest. Sure, I could do quite a bit with a Bachelors or Masters, but with a Doctorate, I am invited to the table. I will obtain the ability to change policy, to affect the lives of many for the better good. I will hold the card that will bypass the line of credentials along with the key to open doors never thought possible. I want to publish. I want to teach. I want to research. I want to influence how processes are done with people's health. I think some things are done way too half-hazardly because someone thought it was a good idea. Maybe so, but where is the philosophy in that. My goal is a PhD in Health Education to focus on health behaviors around weight maintenance. I am not exactly sure Health Education is the optimal fit, but perhaps some Psychology, Educational Psychology, Bio and Behavioral Statistics, Public Health, Qualitative Research, and Kinesiology courses thrown in will surfice my interest accomplishments.