What does it mean to do a good deed? Is it something you do for others, or could it be somehting you do for yourself? Perhaps doing something helpful for others helps you in return? I have often heard that to build self esteem, one must do esteem-able acts. Problem often arrises when one does an act of good deed, then feels a certain entitlement. This sense of entitlement comes in conflict with the reality of the purpose. The purpose in my opinion is to just always do the next right thing without regard of what might be received in return. Then, one might ask, why do good things for other people when I'm not going to get anything in return? You could do that. You could take that position of negativity and see how it works for you. My experience has been that positive energy attracts like positive energy. Who wants hang out or be around an ego maniac whom think they are entitiled to all the light of the world, yet fails to share their riches with other. These riches are not the financial ones that have broken friends and famiies apart for years. Afterall, when you die, what good does money good for you anyway? When you're in your 80's and 90's and all you have left are your thoughts and memories, wouldn't it be nice to have no regrets. Start simple. Holding the door for someone with their hands full, letting that person in front of you in traffic, flashing a beautiful smile at your neighbor with a kind "good morning", giving your time to those that crave connections, or saving a life at a pet adoption are ways to make the day of someone you may never see again. You never know how far one good deed will go. Enthusiasm is contagious and by starting with yourself right now, can foster a culture of love. My mother always said, "the world is round". She meant that whatever you send out will eventually return to you. Send out negative energy, get negative energy. Send out positive energy, get positive energy. The world in turn is a reflection of you.
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